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How LadyBossBlogger Helped Me Increase My Blog Traffic

Thank you LadyBossBlogger + Elaine Rau for sponsoring this post

One of the most frequently asked questions I receive is how to start a blog. It seems like everyone’s doing it, but is it really that easy? My answer – yes, but only if you have the right resources. What people don’t see from the outside looking in is how much work goes into running your own business. 

To be an influencer, you have to be a self-starter and work towards your business goals, nobody else’s. The creativity and freedom to create a unique platform is one of my favorite things about blogging and “influencing,” but for some, lack of structure and direction can be overwhelming and burdensome. 

If I could provide one piece of advice to someone who would like to become an influencer, it would be to invest in resources. Like any other career, it requires a great length of knowledge to become successful, whether it be through a college degree or learning from books and mentors. 

In the digital influencer world, there are many online courses that are available to rising creators that will help you get started and accelerate your growth by eliminating a fair amount of trial and error. I recently started the How To Start A Money Making Blog course from LadyBossBlogger and I have learned so much already.

LadyBossBlogger Courses

So what are these courses all about? Let me tell you! LadyBossBlogger is a platform with access to multiple courses created by Elaine Rau that help entrepreneurs monetize their blog and Instagram to make a full-time living online. Her story is really inspiring and she shares her insight from creating her business out of nothing so that you can do it too!

You can get 40% off any LadyBossBlogger Course with code SOPHIADAMASCENO!

How To Start a Money Making Blog

The course I recently started is How To Start A Money Making Blog and I have learned so much already. Here’s a breakdown of the course:

  • Discovering Your “Why”
  • Finding Your Niche
  • Claiming Your Domain Name
  • Creating Your Target Audience
  • Designing Your Brand
  • Set Up An Email Strategy
  • Blog Marketing Strategy: Social Media Foundations
  • Learn WordPress Basics
  • SEO Best Practices
  • Curate Strategic Content
  • How To Make Money Blogging
  • Understand The Legal Aspects
  • How To Promote Blog + Brand
  • Bonuses!

What has stuck out to me about this course, versus other courses I have taken is how extensive it is. Everything is explained thoroughly and it’s very easy to understand. From what I have learned already, I am already implementing and seeing major changes in my blog traffic. Use my discount code SOPHIADAMASCENO to get 40% off any LadyBossBlogger course.

A portion of all proceeds from LadyBossBlogger goes to The Micah Project, which is a home for street children in Honduras.


If you’ve made it this far, you must be anxious to dive in and start a blog or maybe you have a blog but aren’t having as much success as you would like. I’m so excited to give one of you a LadyBossBlogger course of your choice. Go to my Instagram to enter. Here are the rules:

In the meantime, use code SOPHIADAMASCENO to get 40% off any course at LadyBossBlogger.


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  1. Jessica Collazo says

    I have to be totally honest with you I’m a little bit of sceptical about blog courses. I paid from one once and literally I could find it online on any blog post. I remember I was so pissed off I didn’t pay that much but money is money so I invest at that time $60 for five pages it was so disrespectful. I will like to read more about this course has I will look them up.

  2. CA says

    I am fairly new at the game. And I do feel that I would need to make more investment later on. I am still in the trial and error stage. As well as exploring everything since all is new to me. Thanks for introducing Lady Boss Blogger. Will keep it in mind.

  3. Tessa says

    What a great resource for anyone looking to start or improve their blog! It really is so helpful to get guidance and ideas when starting out and this course seems like a great way to get both of those things.

  4. WorldInEyes says

    wow…its amazing i haven’t heard of this lady boss blogger before but it seems very helpful will surely keep it in mind …Thanks for sharing ✔💯

  5. successunscrambled says

    I am so glad that you were able to find a course that took you by the hand and led you through the ups and downs of blogging. It is surprising that these courses were not available over 10 years ago.

  6. Jessica Joachim says

    I have been working on increasing my traffic, and I will have to check this out more. SEO has been a big focus of mine lately and I am always down to learn more about growing traffic.

  7. Chantal says

    That’s great that you were able to find a course that helped build traffic. It is great to always learn!!!🤗

  8. blair villanueva says

    I started my blog 10-years ago where there are no classes available for blogging, and use my favourite magazines as my inspirations. Would be nice to check her classes for a refresher and new ideas.

  9. Janice Pettey says


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  10. Evan Krome says


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