A few weeks ago I shared this new Vitamin C Facial Wash from Soap & Glory on my Instagram Stories and told you that I would report back with my thoughts. I have been using it for about a month now and I am really enjoying it. I have always been a fan of the brand Soap & Glory and have used many of their lotions but this was my first cleansing product that I tried and I really, really like it.
Soap & Glory Vitamin C Facial Wash
The Vitamin C Facial Wash is a 3-in-1 daily cleanser that smooths, purifies and cleans. It is made with ingredients including, natural Superfruit Yuzu and Ultra-Soft Scrub-Beads. I love the way the beads feel on my skin.
My Overall Thoughts
I have really dry skin and although this cleanser is formulated for oily/combination skin, I saw good results. The beads added a whole different dimension to the way it feels on my skin and I notice that after using it my skin does feel very refreshed. I like using it more in the morning than at night for that reason, but I have used it for both. Overall, I had a really good experience and will be purchasing more Soap & Glory products in the future to try.
Have you tried any Soap & Glory products that you absolutely love?
Tara Pittman says
What awesome looking soap containers. I need to try these as they sound good for my skin
Tessa says
I haven’t heard of this brand before, but I love facial products with vitamin C. Thanks for sharing your experience!
Marie Phillips says
I love the design on the packages. The retro look is adorable!
littlemisadvencha says
this looks like an amazing product. vitamin c on your facial wash is great for skin. Id like to try this out if and only if it’s available here in my place.
Nyxie says
I love Soap and Glory! I’ve never tried this face wash but would love to give it a go when my paycheck comes in 😀
Adrienne says
My daughter and I both love this line of products. I do really like this vitamin c wash.
World in Eyes says
this soap and glory looks amazing……. person should use this……… thanks for sharing.
Krysten Quiles says
I’ve heard of this brand but have yet to try their products despite the fact that I LOVE their packaging. Looks like I need to do some shopping! Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us!
Peachy @ The Peach Kitchen says
This sounds like such an amazing product. But what I love most is the packaging and the color! It’s so adorable.
Britt K says
This sounds really interesting. I have combination skin, but if I had to say it would lead one way or another, it would be more dry than anything. That makes me skeptical about a lot of products, but this sounds like it would work great!
Monidipa says
I ove the containers first of all. Moreover, I have a sensitive skin I will try it.
Jessica Collazo says
I’ve always wanted tontry this products but I’ve never seem to go and buy them I don’t know why I just can see myself buying them but I want to try them anyways. I liked his review and I think I’m going to get that product because I need.
solrazo.com says
Aside from a very promising product to try, I like the color and label designs!
Lush Fab Glam says
Love using Vitamin E products on my skin and as part of my facial care routine. Have not tried Vitamin C products but this has perked my interest.
Tena says
I have never heard of any of these but now I want to go down this list and try also of them!
Melissa says
I’ve had vitamon c creams before but not cleansers. This sounds like something I should try.
Rachel says
I love vitamin C as part of my skincare routine! Thank you for the review!
remo says
This looks like a very healthy facial wash. Is it unisex?
Sophia says
I don’t see why it couldn’t be!
Noreply Emails: Why You Shouldn’t Use Them and How to Replace Them says
Is anyone able to recommend comprehensive Cnc Punching B2B Data? Thanks 🙂
Makeup World BD says
Very nice face wash for dry skin. I really like the review and blog. Very Helpful review. Thank you.
Makeup World BD says
Very nice Face Wash for dry skin. I really like the review and blog. Very Helpful review. Thanks…
Makeup World BD says
Very nice Face Wash for Blemish skin. I really like the review and blog. Very Helpful review. Thank you.
Sayed says
This is good product for Melasma treatment, purchase again…
Makeup World BD says
very nice face wash for oily skin. I really like the review and blog. Very Helpful review, Thank you