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5 Reasons To Workout With Your Significant Other

Working out is fun, but have you tried doing it with your best friend? Many of you probably know from Instagram that I am in a long distance relationship, so when we do get to spend time together, it’s usually for a short period of time. We love to do “everyday life” activities together so it doesn’t always feel like we are visiting each other.

One of my personal favorite things to do together is workout. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is something that is very important to both of us. When you spend your day at separate jobs, it’s nice to share an activity together before or after. This is something I am really looking forward to doing together once we get married!

5 Reasons To Workout With Your Significant Other

1. Accountability Partners

Your significant other is someone you care deeply about and you don’t want to let them down. For me personally, having someone to go to the gym with really helps hold me accountable. There’s no worse feeling than letting someone down.

2. It’s Really Fun

Working out with someone you love is 10x more fun than working out alone. It gives you someone to talk to, you get to give each other new workouts to try and you just might make some really fun memories. Working out goes beyond the gym. We love to go on bike rides, hikes and take the dogs for a walk.

3. It Will Strengthen Your Bond

Not just working out together, but doing any activity with your partner can help strengthen your bond. Sharing time together doing something to better yourselves will ultimately better your relationship.

4. You’ll Learn More About Each Other

Physical fitness teaches you a lot about yourself. You might discover where your weak spots are or you just might discover how much stronger you are than you originally thought. Making these discoveries together will help you learn more about each other.

5. Your Partner’s Health Should Be Just As Important to You As Your Own Health

Health is so important to me, for myself and for my family and friends. Working out together and pushing each other is a great way to express how important it is to you that you both maintain a healthy lifestyle to increase the chances of living a long and happy life.

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  1. Nyxie says

    MY partner and I used to work out many moons ago when I did weight training. Since then we have both moved twice and I’ve since become very unwell. So the only work outs we get are the odd walk around the park but I do enjoy those moments and hope to someday convince him to start back at the gym with me.

  2. GiGi Eats says

    The other workouts my husband and I will do together = walking at the park. Otherwise, we like to be in the zone and forget about our surroundings when we are weight lifting or doing cardio.

  3. Chad says

    Yeah i completely agree with you, it is so much fun to work out with one’s partner and as u said, you keep each other’s motivated and accountable.

  4. Jessica says

    My husband is my biggest motivator and we use to work out together once upon a time. We really need to get back to it.

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