If you’re following me on Instagram, you are probably familiar with the love I have for my pups. More often than not, the questions coming through my Instagram messages are usually in regards to the dogs so I wanted to give them their own blog post.
I love all dogs – and all animals for that matter. Pretty much every dinner conversation at my house revolves around some sort of animal. Whether you’re looking to purchase a dog or just want to get to know these three goofs, I hope this post gives you some helpful insight!

Now, let’s get into it. We have always had two dogs, but now we have three. I think in most cases, having two is better than three, but that’s dependent on the circumstances. Luckily, these three are pretty easy and get along for the most part.
Vin is my little man. He is an Irish Golden Doodle and he’s about 40 lbs. His coat is a dark red color and has curly, fluffy hair and what looks like a pair of furry boots. The best part is that he does not shed and he is so intelligent. When I am with him, I feel like I’m with a person. His mannerisms resemble another human and it’s fascinating. Fun fact: He is the best listener but the most mischievous. Of the three dogs, he is the best listener to command, but he is also the most likely to steal things off the counter when we are not home. Vin can also jump a 4 ft. fence from a stand still.
Vinny always has to be in the front seat.
I think the key to having a doodle is good training. With their intelligence level, it’s really important to have them trained so that they don’t out-smart you. Doodles are the best!
They are all three obsessed with their La-Z Boy Pet Bed and sleep in it every single day. I wrote an entire blog post + included a really cute video that you can read here.

Shop the Dog Bed

Rudy is another little man. He is the cutest, sweetest, most love-able dog on the planet. I always grew up with golden retrievers so I have a big heart for them. They’re friendly, playful and very gentle. He greets everyone that comes to the door and makes new friends everywhere we go. If we let him, he would swim every single day, all day. He loves his ball and is the first one waiting at the door to go outside.

When he’s not playing, he’s sleeping – there really isn’t much of an in between. He loves to sleep and cuddle and he has the true definition of puppy dog eyes. Rudy and Vinny are best friends and have been since the moment they met. They do everything together.

We baked homemade dog treats from KneadLove Bake Shop. They send you dog treat mix and you can bake your own treats at home with your dogs. Get 15% off your first purchase of our all natural bake at home dog treats! Use code: KNEAD15

I actually did a full blog post on FreshPet – a dog food that we really like. You can read more about that here.
Nico is a Great Dane and this is our first of this breed. He is the definition of a gentle giant and he is great with everyone – people and dogs. He loves the dog park, he loves to sleep, he is very emotionally attached to his mama,my sister, and he is full of personality.

Nico is a big boy now but I can’t help but share some of his adorable puppy photos. Even though he is massive, he thinks he can fit on your lap.

Vinny and Rudy took some time to get used to Nico but now they love him. Nico and Rudy play well together outside and Vinny and him play well together more inside.
Shop Our Favorite Dog Products
Do your dogs always get along?
For the most part, yes. Vinny and Rudy have grown up together so they are best friends. When we introduced Nico, they had a few little encounters where they weren’t so fond of him but it never lasts more than a few minutes. An issue we have is when a new toy comes into the house, it can’t be given to the three of them unless there are three of the toy. They are all males living under the same roof so they all think everything belongs to them.
How do they travel in the car?
SO GOOD. They are seriously the easiest dogs to travel with. During the hurricane a few years ago we were in the car for almost 14 hours and you wouldn’t even know they were in the back seat. They love going in the car so we try to take them for a ride often.
How do they handle the horses?
They are fine with the horses. They actually interact with them quite a bit and all of them have learned that the horses are in charge. Unfortunately, Vinny killed a few of our chickens. The other two don’t really care much about them.
What are common health issues you have encountered, if any?
The only one I can think of is that Rudy gets skin rashes pretty often. I think it has something to do with the humidity down here in South Florida and the fact that he loves to be in the swimming pool. The other two are pretty easy keepers.
Did you have them professionally trained?
Yes, and I can’t recommend it enough. If you’re thinking about getting a dog, definitely put them in training while they are young. It will make both of your lives easier and will help you so much when you go in public with them. There’s nothing more uncomfortable than trying to get your dog to listen in a public place and you aren’t successful.
I enjoyed meeting your dogs. They seem like good pets to have
These are such cute dogs. We only have two cats and two guinea pigs.
You’ve got such wonderful dogs! Each is different and each is beautiful! Too bad I don’t have time and enough space for such pets. They must be your best friends for sure! 🙂
my heaaaartttttt!!!! Cute attack!!! All three look sooooooo cute and happy. I would love to have a few, that would be so much fun.
They are such beautiful dogs! We have two cats that keep us very busy.
Your doggos are sooo adorable! I’ve always wanted a Great Dane but with our pup and cat, I’m not sure where we’d fit a Great Dane. I totally get what you mean about needing to well-train a smart dog. Mine is a border collie x kelpie x whippet and is WAY too smart for his own good. Puzzle toys and puzzle feeder have saved our yard for sure!
They’re all so cute! I love them all but Nico has a special place in my heart right now. The colouring on his coat is just gorgeous.
What a fun post! Your dogs are SO adorable and gives me such pet envy!! I have 3 small kids in a NYC apartment, we’re only allowed 1 dog under 25 pounds but honestly, i can’t bare the thought of having to take on more charges at this point LOL! but my kids are begging for a puppy!! Maybe one day…
Thanks for sharing your gorgeous dogs, they are all gorgeous in their own way! We have 2 dogs and love them to pieces! I would love to get a third!!!
Okay they’re all cute but I have such a thing for Danes and Nico is ADORBS! So jealous! Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us!
Your pups are all so cute! Absolutely love the doodle. Such a cutie.
All of your pups are adorable! I especially love the doodle.
You have such cute dogs! I love the photos of Nico when he was just a pup, what a cutie! I don’t have any dogs because I live in an apartment, but I do have a cat, which is pretty much the owner of the house.
OMG how cute are these dogs! I have never had one and now I want one!
Dogs are the absolute best!!!
Wow they are very cute! Almost makes me wish I had my own dogs
I also have three pups and can agree that sometimes two is best. Our older two never quite accepted our newest pup and it can be a little frustrating. Especially since our youngest pup just wants to play with them SO bad, but our other two are kind of old and grumpy ha ha! Also, Vinny’s mannerisms remind me so much of my pup, Atlas! He is definitely the most intelligent out of our pups but also the most mischievous. He knows SO many commands, but unless you have a treat he will just walk away. It drives me INSANE.