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Skincare Routine | Alba Botanica

This post is sponsored by Alba Botanica and Her Campus Media. All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make Live Love Sophia possible!

I’d venture to bet that we all share objectives when it comes to the final few tasks we complete before entering our nocturnal slumber. Daily skincare is routine for most of us, but have we been giving our skin the respect it deserves by washing our faces with the same bar of soap that we use on our armpits?  When it comes to finding the right products for you, it can take some trial and error. Luckily for you, I’ve done just that. Alba Botanica® skin products and I have teamed up to set the record straight on what it takes to improve tone, texture and say goodbye to stubborn acne.

alba botanica

The three products that I have investigated are the Acnedote™ Clearing Gel Peel, Acnedote™ Pimple Patches, and the Acnedote™ Face and Body Scrub. The Acnedote skincare regimen works to keep your skin clear and beautiful through the use of plant-based ingredients. I am pleased to remind you that all of these products are

  • Vegetarian
  • Cruelty-free
  • Biodegradable
  • Botanically-based
  • Better-for-you

Anecdote Clearing Gel Peel

This gel is perfect for use 1-2x a week as it dries up active blemishes and eradicates any acne-causing bacteria. This product in particular was the winner of the Better Nutrition’s Best of Natural Beauty Award and is 100% made of vegetarian ingredients.

Alba Botanica® offers more than just skincare products, but also has hair care and sun protection lines.

alba botanica skincareAside from the products, Alba Botanica® aims to help fellow women look beautiful on the inside and out while keeping our earth healthy and happy, too. The company is grounded in compassion and looks out for animals by ensuring that none of their products or any of the ingredients are tested on animals. The formulas are biodegradable and the products are packaged minimally and sensibly. Read the Alba Botanica® manifesto here. The company follows a simple mission – to do beautiful.

Stay tuned for a giveaway that will include a bundle of Alba Botanica® products, like Acnedote™ Pimple Patches, Acnedote™ Face & Body Scrub, Acnedote™ Clearing Gel Peel, Hawaiian lip balm, and Hawaiian Oil Free Moisturizer.

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  1. blair villanueva says

    Thanks for your tips and review! I think I saw this Alba product from a nearby Healthy Options store. I should buy and try it too.

    • Sophia says

      This would be perfect for him then. Thank you! I take daily vitamins and I have been using Dove products on my hair. I will be posting more info on hair care on my blog so be sure to check back.

  2. Yona Williams says

    I’m curious about the ‘pimple patches’ because I’d love to have a go-to product that zeroed in on a single blemish. Over the years, I’ve been lucky to not have to deal with breakouts like I used to.

  3. Nicole says

    I have heard great things from this brand. I always love finding new products, especially different facial cleaners and routines. I’ll have to finally give them a rtry, thanks for sharing!

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